Access to the Great Wilderness

Border Riders
Sportsman's Club

Established in 1967, located in Dennistown Maine, Border Riders have worked diligently over the years to create and maintain great recreational trails and are respectful to all the landowners who allow us to access their property. Our intent is to provide access to Maine’s great wilderness for all our outdoor sports people. We are currently involved with ATV’s, biking, hiking, hunting, and snowmobiling. Locals and tourists alike enjoy the trails and all they have to offer including the serene scenery and occasional wildlife! Always use the trails with safety and be courteous to others.

We hold monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month, at 7:00pm in the clubhouse located in Dennistown, Maine. Everyone is welcome!

For trail information or questions email


Memberships run from September 1st to August 30th each year. If you would like to become a member to the Borders Riders Sportsman's Club you can download our Membership Form, email for a form, or sign up below and we will send you the appropriate form. Our memberships list is updated quarterly and your membership decals, etc., will be mailed to you during this time.

Membership Dues

  • Single: $25.00
  • Family: $40.00
  • Businesses: $75.00

If you would like to join the Maine Snowmobile Association add $15.00 and/or ATV Maine add $10.00.

Pay Your Dues Using PayPal

If you would like to pay your membership dues please choose your membership type from the dropdown and click the "Add to Cart" button.

Make A Donation Using PayPal

If you would like to make a donation toward a specific event please use the "Donate" button below.